Be Happy, Be Healthy, And Enjoy Your Now Parasite Free Life!

1 year ago

Tired of Paying Through the Nose For Ivermectin?
I've got news for you, you CAN use Ivermectin Horse Paste safely when you use it as directed. This is a whole lot cheaper than buying it from Ivermectin dot com. It won't cost you an arm and a leg.

The only possible side effects you may experience is the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (JHR), or “herxing”, which was first described by physicians in the late 1800s. Patients who experience this phenomenon report an increase in non-specific symptoms shortly following initiation of antibiotic treatment.

These symptoms include chills, fever, headache, and/or intensification of skin rashes. Despite being described more than a century ago, it is still difficult for researchers and physicians to explain the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to JHR and the variations in patient susceptibilities, but it is most likely caused by the body rejecting parasites that had a long lasting effect on the body.

Ivermectin Maintenance Protocol

Congratulations! After your first introduction to using Ivermectin, you are now ready to start your maintenance protocol. Continue with the Ivermectin 1.87% Horse Paste. Using one pencil eraser dose once a day every 3-4 days. Remember you CANNOT overdose so if you use a little more that's fine. Be Happy, be Healthy, and enjoy your now parasite free life!

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