Brave new World, Aldous Huxley 1932 first 3 Chapters read aloud

1 year ago

1932: This story is not fiction it is a plan for the future written by Aldous Huxley in 1932. We only need the first three chapters to make the point. The plan is to have humans serve the Alphas while the Deltas, Beta's and Epsilons serve them. If you do not understand, that is alright because you will be the 'own nothing and happy' servants. Do not choose for me. I do not need or want any of that in my lifetime.
Do not believe for one nanosecond that the COVID bioweapon is not a part of this insidious globalist plan to remove Humanity from the earth.

Watch "To Serve Man" Twilight Zone on Rumble Here:
The Globalists of the Cecil Rhodes era is where this is from.

Full Book is here in pdf:

Global Genocide is already upon us. Here is the evidence.
If YOU are not part of the Solution YOU are part of the problem.
Be Active and tell your politicians and lawmakers that
worldwide genocide MUST STOP in all its forms, Geoengineering, COVID, 15 Minute Cities, Digital ID, Digital Banking, New World Order where Humans are the SERVANTS to the ALIENS.

Previous Warnings from Hollywood
Independence Day
Zombie Movies

You need to understand and 'Be Afraid, Very Afraid'. (The Fly 1958)

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