Kalashnikov USA KR9 - 500 Round Review

1 year ago

ваш дружелюбный товарищ по соседству Престон

Your friendly neighborhood Komrade Preston

Part 2 of the KR9/Kali9, a clone correct Russian Vityaz from Kalashnikov USA. This specific model is the California compliant version, the Kali 9. In the unboxing video we discussed how I got this gun, what upgrades I did to it and decided to do a comparison between the KR9 and EPC9.

This video is my initial reaction and 500 round range review of my thoughts about the gun. This gun is a very flat shooter, crispy trigger allows for accurate shot placement and fast mag dumps, Zenitco charging handle gives me a large amount of real estate to grab and rack the weapon and the factory faux suppressor actually feels like it makes the weapon quieter (although it doesn’t).

Full 16” barrel allows for 124 grain 9mm projectiles to travel at a velocity of 1379 fps providing excellent ballistics for close and long range (100 meters).
Range tested Cor Bon defensive 90 grain +P 9mm exceeds 1700 fps which are proven and reliable ammo.
Steel case Wolf & Winchester 115 grain 9mm exceed 1250 fps which hold true to training standards in a comparison between aforementioned ammo.


Angeles Shooting Range - Sylmar, CA

My favorite range: Route 66 Shooting Sport Park - San Bernardino, CA

Upgrades included from the first video:
- ALG Defense AKT-EL Trigger
- Gøøn Tape
- Swampfox Liberty red dot
- UTG Low RMR Mount
- Paracord stock wrapping

Addition upgrades since unboxing video:
- Krebs Custom Enhanced Safety
- Zenitco РП-2 Charging Handle (FDE)

Great 2A news and resources for Californians:
Reno May - https://youtube.com/c/RenoMay
Armed Scholar - https://youtube.com/c/ArmedScholar

My favorite YouTube channel:


Music: All music is copyright & royalty free and stated as such on the description of every song posted. The following links are to the music used for the making of this video.

Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Song title: Slasher
Artist: White Bat Audio



Disclaimer: All parts comply with California regulations. I am not a lawyer and nothing in this video is legal advice. Check with your local and state laws to make sure your firearm is compliant with the law.

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