Good Vibes NZ, the need for a real Political Party in New Zealand

1 year ago

Greetings dear friends!

What a wonderful day it is to be standing among you all on such an occasion! Time is short, and so the message here today will be swift, so allow me to explain a great opportunity that stands before you all, it is the alternative to an uncertain future many of you here today have so disparately been lead to believe is the only escape from contrived crises, that exist only in the mind, not objective reality.

Among these crises are your beliefs in division and scarcity, which have largely been disseminated by those in positions of power, with an unchecked ego and hence do not reflect upon there own actions nor seek to amend the underlying causes of these crises we are facing.

Thus, should we ask our selves the question: are these crises not merely perpetuated, and real solutions obscured simply to prevent these tyrants from being held accountable? Many of you here today seem to be rather satisfied with what is being proposed in place of a mindful and complete reevaluation of our global circumstances.

You seem rather satisfied with handing complete control over to a select few entities, who's ideals and plans for a new world involve demonizing and subjugating close to half the learned population who have differing views to you. Has this approach ever resulted in a balanced outcome in any time in history? What does this approach inevitably lead to? Is there any room for functioning democracy when the only answer you have is autocracy?

Be aware that much of the activity in our economic bubble still depends on human rights abuse such as slave labor and child labor for us to enjoy the conveniences we have. Too many electronics, smart phones etc. still depend on slave labor and child labor to mine the resources to make them.

I hope we can all take responsibility by taking solid actions to ensure fair payment and workers rights in the countries where this slavery based mining is still going on.

There are many ways you can take such actions. Such as making a video like this one to raise awareness, signing petitions to end slavery, and supporting legitimate and proven efforts to end slavery.

If we use ANY electronics device such as a computer or smart phone WE ARE RESPONSIBLE.
ANY companies whose supply chains involve resources like tin, gold, tungsten, coltan, diamonds and cobalt connected to slavery and human rights abuse should be investigated and punished according to international law. No exceptions.

Tin: Tin is an essential component in the production of tinplate, which is used in the manufacture of food packaging and other products. Tin mining has been linked to forced labor, child labor, and other human rights abuses in countries such as Indonesia and Bolivia.

Gold: Gold is widely used in jewelry and electronics and is often extracted from informal mines where workers, including children, are subjected to hazardous and exploitative conditions. There have been reports of forced labor, child labor, and other human rights abuses in gold mines in countries such as Ghana, Mali, and the DRC.

Tungsten: Tungsten is a rare metal used in the production of steel alloys, as well as in electronics and other applications. There have been reports of child labor, forced labor, and other human rights abuses in tungsten mines in countries such as China and the DRC.

Coltan: Coltan, a mineral used in the production of electronics, has been linked to human rights abuses and conflict in the DRC. The trade in coltan has been used to finance armed groups and has contributed to widespread violence and exploitation in the region.

Diamonds: Diamond mining has a long history of human rights abuses, including forced labor, child labor, and exploitation. This has been a particular problem in countries with weak governance and a history of conflict, such as Sierra Leone, the DRC, and Zimbabwe.

Cobalt: Cobalt is an essential component in the production of batteries for electronic devices, and a significant portion of the world's cobalt supply comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where there have been reports of child labor, exploitation, and other human rights abuses in the mining sector.

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