Do You Want to Common Law Prosecute Barack Obama in New Hampshire?

1 year ago
76 CIA Printed US Currency in China from at least Vietnam War. DoD Flew it over to US to rig courts, elections, policing, & government. My father disbursed these Chinese minted bills. I believe all sectors public & private have been infiltrated by Satan based Foreigners aligned w/ Monsanto.

My Rothschild Adrenochrome Cartel UN Club of Satan DoD Chinese Spy Monsanto Father poisoned my cat dead w/ Glyposate Agent Orange Round-Up LSD Adrenochrome & other Monsanto Products from 1966.

I have coded out a number of times. My father paid police & thugs to rip me off, throttle my life, to kill me, doctors to taint my & vaccines for others, to have me & others beat up, & for police to hire thieves to take my stuff & destroy any evidence I have gathers from my age 5 1969.

My North Dakota Sharecropper Grandfather gave me a job to do in 1968, age 4. So, this is the purpose of this video. #Resist #StopTheBS #WBNemesis Videos w/ more information: My Father has tried to keep me from having friends, talking to news reporters, & has been permanently estranging me from friends, family, & opportunities all of my life. He kept me from seeing my daughter when she was little, I then regained ability to have her in my life, then my father went in chambers with Judge Jonathan Kaplan of Court 06066 & had me permanently estranged to lose all I own to be railroaded to prison.

I need to keep my promise to my grandfather & fix the damage his son has done. I have had a recent near death experience & need to put into place what needs to be done.

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