One of our best shows! If you aren't coming together attempting unity… You will always be divided.

1 year ago

Peter Hernandez
San Benito County Supervisor

One of our best shows! If you aren't coming together attempting unity… You will always be divided.

"It's a true statement when I say, 'I am District 18.' The new Congressional District 18 is a diverse cross-section of California, which I am a part of.

My parents were immigrants from Mexico who worked the fields and raised me in the agricultural community of Hollister. As a father and small business owner, I know the American dream and entrepreneurial spirit. I work hard to preserve my children's blessings of liberty and prosperity.

I currently hold office as a San Benito County Supervisor and serve as the Chair of the Board. I love America. I believe in our God-given freedoms and the Constitutional restraints on government upon which this country was built. I consider my time in the office as a civic tour of duty. I am here to serve because there is a job, and I will never be a career politician.

Ronald Reagan said, "When a business or an individual spends more than it makes, it goes bankrupt. When government does it, it sends you the bill. And when the government does it for 40 years, the bill comes in two ways: higher taxes and inflation. Make no mistake; inflation is a tax and not by accident."

We must RETIRE the people running the OUT-OF-CONTROL GOVERNMENT.
It is pounding us with threatening inflation, crime, and endless spending. We must stop electing elites that enrich themselves at our expense. It's time to restore America to its heritage of abundance – opportunity, growth, prosperity, and innovation.
It's time to renew our communities, families, and businesses. It's time to revive our economy and hold our government representatives accountable to 'We The People' and the communities they are elected to serve and protect.
Join me in this incredible historical moment as Americans RENEW, RESTORE, and REVIVE our nation.
I will represent YOU, District 18, and no one else.
ERIN FRIDAY For more information, Erin's email address
(Man explains what ESG is)

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