Oggy and the Cockroaches - THE MOVIE 🎬 Oggy-Wan Kenoggy

1 year ago

Oggy and the Cockroaches is a French animated television series that follows the comedic adventures of Oggy, a blue anthropomorphic cat who is constantly tormented by three mischievous and often destructive cockroaches named Joey, Dee Dee, and Marky.

The show is set in a typical suburban household, where Oggy tries to live a peaceful life, but the cockroaches always manage to create chaos and wreak havoc in his home. Despite their size, the cockroaches are resourceful and always come up with new schemes to annoy Oggy and get into trouble.

Throughout the series, Oggy encounters a variety of other characters, including his neighbor Bob, who is always building inventions that often backfire, and his cousin Jack, a cool and suave cat who sometimes helps Oggy out of tight spots.

The show is known for its slapstick humor, fast-paced action, and colorful animation. It has become popular with audiences of all ages around the world, with episodes available in numerous languages.

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