Jurassic Games(2018) Movie Review- Oily Trash Movies (April Fool's Special)

1 year ago

Oily TrashMovies Episode 10: The Jurassic Games (2018)
Bublegum Barbie and Daddy WarBux, in their pursuit of Oily TrashMovies, occasionally uncover relics that rival the Shroud of Turin in their mystique and allure. The Jurassic Games is one such artifact, belonging on cinema screens as surely as in the Vatican's secret vault. In a plot that’s part Hunger Games, part The Matrix, and part Jurassic Park, 10 convicts must complete a series of challenges while fighting dinosaurs in virtual reality, for reality television, to gain their freedom. This movie hits harder than three lines of coke in a church rectory. What does that mean, you ask? You decide.

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