Just Be~Spiritual BOOM: Professor Michael Le Flem: CIA/Mob, Scientific Truth Atlantis, Edgar Cayce

1 year ago

Ep 61. Not only is he a best-selling author and adjunct professor of history and philosophy, but he is also a researcher and guitarist. Michael shares his captivating story about living in Chicago from the Avalon Regal Theater, Kanye West, Whitney Webb, "endangering public safety", interviewing one of the most famous detectives from the 1970s who was involved with tremendous child trafficking realities, then moving to Mexico AND finally finishing his book there. His book, Visions of Atlantis: Reclaiming our Lost Legacy, combines irrefutable history and science with the truth of visionaries from a metaphysical vein. Writing on this subject also altered his once-atheist viewpoint.

The Just Be Practice invites you to watch a video with Whitney Webb and learn more about our world. Again, irrefutable truths.

Connect with Michael Le Flem, MA:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-le-flem-m-a-3a9449238
His book:
Visions of Atlantis: Reclaiming our Lost Ancient Legacy:
Patreon Support Link:

Products I endorse to assist you thru this Great Awakening:
1. Hooga. 12% off. Red light therapy and grounding resources. Enter EDENJUSTBE at checkout. https://hoogahealth.com/?rfsn=7129546.e5a6e5

2. Purium Health. For vaccine healing or issues – 4 products at link below. 25% discount or $50 off through me 1X. $180 + shipping (normally $240).

For the heavy metal/toxin tincture removal only go to this link. ($40 + ship normally $90)

Connect with Eden:
Websites: https://edenjustbe.com (remote or face-to-face sessions)
Podcast: Just Be ~ Spiritual BOOM - https://edenjustbe.com/podcast
(On Spotify, Apple & Google Podcasts plus many more. Listen to the podcast on my website or see all the directory links there as well.)
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