The most expensive Supreme Court race in history

1 year ago

The most expensive Supreme Court race in history
The national spotlight is once again on the state Supreme Court race in Wisconsin
When we look back at the 2022 election cycle, many in the mainstream media will claim that Republicans "underperformed" in the midterm elections. But what many won’t talk about is the success conservative candidates had in state supreme court races across the country.

Most notably in North Carolina and Ohio, conservatives Trey Allen and Richard Dietz were able to overcome $5.6 million in liberal spending on television ads to flip control of the state Supreme Court, giving conservatives a 5-2 advantage. In Ohio, conservatives Sharon Kennedy, Pat Fischer and Pat DeWine won their races, allowing conservatives to retain a 4-3 majority on the bench.

Fast-forward to 2023, where the national spotlight is shining once again on the state Supreme Court race in Wisconsin.

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