AWA: Connecting The Dots - Who Are "They"?

1 year ago

As individuals, our brains are hard wired to only keep track of a village scale and struggle to conceptualize an international scale. Paul Slovic’s (and others) work has shown that the human mind is not very good at thinking about, and empathizing with, millions or billions of individuals. We struggle to evolve/adjust fast enough to globalization, and the introduction of the internet, to solve important problems created by a small group of centralized, transnational monopoly powers that have existed above national identities and loyalties for centuries.

However, as we now face their final steps in seizing international power, creating a one world government via tech-totalitarian control, and waging a multi-tiered, multi-dimensional war against all of humanity.... we really need to figure out exactly WHO "they" are.

As regular people, no matter what nation, religion, gender, race, we are all one, and only the centralized banking bloodlines benefit from our division, and manufactured hatred/fear of each other. We need to come together, and unite around how to address the real enemy- which is the origin of all evils taking place.

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