SEPTIC TANK SUPERBUGS How To Make Them and Save THOUSANDS of Dollars in Pumping & Repairs

1 year ago

Rotten Tomatoes can save you $$$$'s
THIS IS NOT A JOKE! This prevents Clogs and Backups.
Making Your Own Microbials and Enzymes for SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS will save you thousands of dollars in pumping fees and leach line replacement.

Never flush feminine hygiene products or wipes down your toilet.

Use Standard Scott Tissue, Scott Tissue for RV's or Kirkland Brand tissue from Costco

First you should know that in a perfect world most septic tanks can operate just fine on their own without any additives HOWEVER, we don't live in a perfect world.

I like to err on the side of conservancy and caution and treat my tanks as a preventative measure vs wait and see if it's working fine or WHOA all of a sudden there's a costly issue.

I'm going to show you how to rejuvenate the bugs in your septic tank every 3-4 months after your initial shock treatment, so that your can be like ours was and have the pumping service say; you didn't need to do this, it was working fine...

Septic tanks and cesspools operate on the principal of bacteria that eats or digests the stuff that gets flushed down but there's a caveat here, when you clean your sinks and showers and toilets with chlorine bleach and other bacteria killing chemicals, it's a good practice for cleanliness and hygiene BUT these chemicals also kill the bacteria in your septic tank or cesspool and once that happens, the poop and paper is not getting broken down and removed and your leach lines plug up and that backs up into your septic or cesspool and you start noticing stuff coming up in your tub and toilets.

For me it's easier to know that I'm always putting new bacteria and enzymes in so the back up problem will not occur at my house!

Use this as your initial treatment if you've never done anything to your septic tank or cesspool or if you've just had it pumped out.

This is just to make sure that you've got a plentiful supply of bacteria rolling and digesting in your system and giving it a head start.
In a month you'll add the maintenance treatment which will just add to and amplify the beneficial bacteria in your system.

A bucket, a small 2 gallon bucket will do or a large pot.
1/2 c of bread yeast
3 cups of lukewarm water
2 cups of white sugar
2 cups of cornmeal and
3-6 or even more ROTTEN TOMATOES

Grind up the rotten tomatoes in a blender and set it aside
This will provide the enzymes that will amplify the bacteria

Mix the water, cornmeal, sugar and yeast in the bucket and stir it for 2 minutes or until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Wait for it to begin to really bubble
Now pour the tomato puree in the bucket of bubbling bacteria and stir it up...

You're going to pour the contents down the toilet that is closet to your septic tank.

Flush the toilet first and wait for it to recharge it's water supply...

Now pour the bucket in as fast as the toilet will handle it without overflowing

You don't need to pour this in every toilet, one toilet is good enough as this is just the delivery funnel to the septic tank.

Pouring this mixture may start the siphon of the toilet but whether it does or doesn't, be sure to flush the toilet at least twice afterward.

Wait 5 minutes and flush it again and repeat this step one more time.

Use this every 4 months to maintain the good bacteria in your septic tank or cesspool.
This time we're going to use 1/2 of the yeast as your first shock treatment put in a good start.

A bucket, a small 2 gallon bucket will do or a large pot.
1/4 c of bread yeast
3 cups of lukewarm water
2 cups of white sugar
2 cups of cornmeal and
3 or even more ROTTEN TOMATOES

Follow the mixing and flushing instructions above.

The enzyme group is called: Pectinolytic [pek-ti-nō-lit-ik] enzymes

MUSIC from Artlist.IO
Tropical by Moon
Burgers and Guitars by Steve Poloni

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