Whistleblower Report - 3.28.2023 - Citizen Legal Action Steps To Take NOW

1 year ago

Free Citizens around the world are standing against the assault of tyranny and dictatorial governments – witness the Dutch Farmers fighting the government takeover of their land, millions of French citizens protesting Macron’s pension confiscation, British citizens protest in London on March 25, and freedom rallies in the US, Australia, Canada, and other countries.

Over the last 50 years, global predators have infiltrated every institution, as well as local state and federal governments, in countries around the world. These predator pirates conspired carefully, slowly, and deliberately for this moment in time as they solidified their control of every aspect of our lives. Every political party that has held office during this period has been complicit in this attack on civilization itself. It mattered-not what country or political façade used; they were and remained the same deceitful pawns being used by the global predators who share one common trait – their hatred of God and hatred of humanity. We all know this is the final war, the one between God and Lucifer.


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