💎 Dr Demartini on Think and Grow Rich | Dr John Demartini

3 years ago

Dr John Demartini discusses the teachings of Napoleon Hill and the essential steps required to manifest prosperity in your life. After this video, YOUR NEXT STEP: Increase Your Deserve Level and Get What You Want. Watch Dr Demartini’s FREE Masterclass 👉 https://demartini.fm/deserve

About This Video:
You're here to go and empower all areas of your life, and that's what Think and Grow Rich was about. If you'd love to make a difference and be of service to the world, and receive abundance in return, knowing your chief aim is crucial. The more you rise up in spirit or grace, the more power you'll have to manifest wealth.

Prefer to read the article? Visit: https://demartini.ink/3dawSW7

00:00 - Intro
03:30 - 1st Principle: Thoughts are things
05:23 - Desire, Inspiration
06:15 - Faith based on reason
07:43 - Autosuggestion, internal dialogue, affirmation
09:54 - Specialized knowledge
11:31 - Imagination, Imaging
12:32 - Organized planning
13:12 - Decision
14:13 - Perseverance
14:45 - Power of mastermind
15:34 - Mystery of sex transmutation
16:37 - Subconscious mind, superconscious mind
17:38 - The brain, executive center
17:52 - Sixth sense, intuition
19:00 - Definite chief aim
19:56 - Confidence
20:40 - Habit of savings
21:51 - Initiative and leadership
22:17 - Clarity of vision
22:49 - Enthusiasm
23:29 - Self control
23:55 - Doing more than paid for
24:33 - Pleasing personality
25:11 - Accurate thinking
25:51 - Concentrating
26:42 - Cooperation
28:58 - Masterclass: Increase Your Deserve Level

About Dr John Demartini:
Dr. John Demartini is a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and best-selling author. He has recently been awarded the IAOTP Top Human Behavior Specialist of the Year as well as the IAOTP Lifetime Achievement Award.

His work is a summation of over 299 different disciplines synthesized from the greatest minds in most fields of study today. His extensive curriculum focuses on helping purpose driven individuals master their lives so that they’re able to more extensively serve humanity with their inspired vision and mission.

#thinkandgrowrich #napoleonhill #thinkandgrowrichsummary

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