4Apr23 Forecast: Stormy With 100% Chance of Arraignment Followed by Strong Winds From Every Direction

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
For the Great Reset to work, you have to have the Great Distraction and a Great Divide — Trump 2:08
When we will stop looking for a savior in Washington and get serious about fixing OUR lives? 10:00
The most frightening thing you’ve ever seen in the US?  No they're distracting us from the things you should REALLY be frightened about. 15:44
New York Times report tells hair=raising story of an out of control FBI but omits some of the worst details 31:41
Two & half years late, Glenn Beck & Tucker warn people about the Trump Trap.  Yes, it IS like Jan 6.  So why didn't they warn people then? 37:12
INTERVIEW Will Transportation Lockdown Succeed?
Eric Peters, EPautos.com.  You will not only not own anything, you will not move an inch — and be happy!  The private transportation component of the GreatReset 1:02:12
What is it they don't want us to see about KEEEEEV? 1:06:04
Will the only private cars be Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, and Porsche's? 1:14:46
Berlin’s referendum on climate neutrality by 2030.  Is it the beginning of push back? 1:17:52
EVs — the great seepage problem 1:21:00
Charity vs. entitlement. 1:35:49
Country Music CMT awards join the trans push 1:56:47
We’re still motivating young people. 2:00:05
WATCH New Zealand PM can't define a woman.  Neither can a self-described "expert" anthropologist who 2:03:28
"If You Go Down, I'm Going Down Too" — CMT pledges their suicidal loyalty to the suicidal trans cult 2:06:35
Reba McEntire and others pretend the legislation is not about protecting kids.  Do they support kids going to topless bars, strip clubs, having alcohol?  No.  But if the trans want your kids, you better hand them over right now 2:17:15
A whistleblower account of medical kidnapping and child abuse by the gender ghouls 2:27:44
David wants to thank some of the people who have supported this show and an atheist patron. What about Pascal's wager? 2:31:15
First the Twitter files, now the Twitter code.  Shadowbanning and "GovernmentRequested" class 2:42:45
Censorship rolling out from Connecticut, to Canada, to Egypt (where misinformation about WEATHER will be a crime!) 2:49:29

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