We see some pro Trump supporters posting videos like this one

1 year ago

We see some pro Trump supporters posting videos like this one, shaming people for believing in whatever they want to believe in. Have you heard of minority rights? This means to support whatever you wish. If this white republican thinks he can come with a black ass man who is also a bunk, doesnt have a shirt (when he should, he is in public) and comes out to beg disrespectfully (begging is illegal in most countries of the world, but if you do beg do it gracefully) and somehow the guy who is obviously from Ukranian origin should give money to that bunk beggar, well, this means republicans are very cheap. Is this supposed to somehow convince anyone? It only convinced me how cheap Republicans are coming with this stuff. Also the Black Man could very well be a migrant. And the Ukranian man behaved flawlessly because in his country and in any normal country, you cant beg like this and be shirtless in public and be this rude. But yeah republicans and pro Trump supporters are cheap ass bastards.
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