Unvaccinated NL Councilor Reinstated By Supreme Court Joins NL Media Live

1 year ago

Grant Abbott was a town councilor for Musgrave Harbour. During the process of the covid vaccination policy being implemented, Grant was ostracized and forced to vacate his seat.

The Supreme Court has now ruled in his favour and ordered him to be reinstated as town councilor. Now that the order has been sent to his town, he is hoping for a mediated return to council where both parties can move forward and consider the town's business.

CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO GRANT'S GIVES AND GO CAMPAIGN: https://www.givesendgo.com/vaxpass?fbclid=IwAR0_1NJ7PePY0CVqsSLmZMFxSgMaS3EksHosBuJA0FkqQUT4401iGOwPyc0

-Grant's legal battles and his ultimate victory have also left him with a legal bill. The total cost of his endeavor being $18,000. He has had some of this covered through prior donations but is still on the hook for a large sum of that. If you're able to help please do so.

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