Oldhamii Bamboo - clumping Non invasive Bamboo - Orlando Bamboo Nursery 407-777-4807 Ocoee Bamboo

1 year ago

Giant Timber Oldhamii Bamboo - Beautiful Tropical Bamboo - Bamboo Nursery 407-777-4807 Orlando Bamboo welcome to Ocoee Bamboo Farm
Orlando, Florida is known for its beautiful weather, beaches, and theme parks. But did you know that it's also home to a thriving bamboo nursery? That's right, our nursery specializes in clumping bamboo and Giant Timber bamboo, and we're here to tell you all about it!
Clumping bamboo is a great addition to any garden or landscape. Unlike running bamboo, which can quickly spread and become invasive, clumping bamboo stays put and grows in tight clumps. It's easy to maintain and comes in a variety of colors and sizes, making it a versatile option for any style of garden.
One of the most unique types of bamboo we offer is Giant Timber bamboo. This species can grow up to 70 feet tall, making it perfect for creating a tropical oasis in your backyard. It's also great for privacy screening, as it can grow thick enough to block out unwanted views.
At our nursery, we take pride in offering high-quality bamboo plants that are grown in optimal conditions to ensure their health and vitality. We're also passionate about educating our customers on how to properly care for their bamboo, so they can enjoy it for years to come.
If you're in the Orlando area and looking to add some bamboo to your garden. Backyard. or landscape, come visit us at our nursery. We'd be happy to show you around and help you select the perfect plants for your needs.
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