Cryptid Splatfest results Voice-dubbed.

1 year ago

I was initially hesitant about joining Team Nessie--mainly because I've already been on Shiver's team almost every time so far (not on purpose, mind you; she just tends to get the team whose theme I prefer) with the sole exception being when I had sided with Frye for Team Sweet, but I can't deny that I find a lake-dragon to be far more appealing than some extraterrestrials or a big-footed ape-man. Looks like I picked the right team, though. Haha

All voices used in this video were supplied by Replica Studios' AI voice generator. The names of the virtual voice actors cast here are as follow:

"Lilith" as Shiver
"Louise" as Frye
"Chuck" as Big Man ("Ay's")
"Vinnie" as Big Man (translated thoughts)

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