Dr. Karen Wyatt, From End-Of-Life University, Interviews ChatGPT About Death

1 year ago

Dr. Karen Wyatt writes:

My special "guest" this week is ChatGPT an AI language model that can understand and respond to human language. Chat has been trained on a wide range of topics, including end-of-life care, hospice, palliative care, grief and bereavement, and advance care planning, among others. I conducted a written "interview" with Chat to test its knowledge and in this episode I report on my findings. In addition, I've compiled all of our correspondence into a book titled Conversations on Death with ChatGPT, which you can access now in ebook format. I hope you enjoy hearing about my adventures with Chat!

This episode includes:

• What an AI language model consists of and how to interact with it

• The amazing depth and breadth of content and resources that ChatGPT was able to generate in a matter of seconds

• What I learned about euphemisms for death from Chat

• What Chat got wrong about for-profit hospice

• How Chat needed better information about talking to children about death

• Chat's creative ideas for promoting advance care planning in predominantly Black communities

• Chat's thoughts about the 5-stages model of grief

• A haiku Chat wrote about grief

• How Chat helped me deal with guilt over my father's suicide death

Original YouTube Video:

Conversations on Death with ChatGPT by Karen Wyatt, MD

Karen Wyatt, End-of-Life University Podcast

See Also:

Five Wishes: Advance Care Planning For Everyone (Karen Wyatt Interviews Joanne Eason)

Five Wishes

Dealing Creatively with Death: A Manual of Death Education and Simple Burial

Death With Dignity - The Case for Legalizing Physician-Assisted Dying and Euthanasia

When Loved Ones & Friends Pass From This World To The Next


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Links:

Sunfellow Artificial Intelligence #AI Resource Page

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What Is ChatGPT? (ChatGPT Explained In 10 Minutes)

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Using Artificial Intelligence #AI To Communicate With Animals!

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