Ex President Donald Trump is Better Than President Joe Biden Democracy 2023 #viral #2023

1 year ago

Former Clinton adviser Mark Penn argues polls favor former President Trump in a possible 2024 presidential election against incumbent President Biden.


MARK PENN: I was really surprised that President Biden put doubt in whether or not he is going to run. Leadership rarely does that because you never want to be seen as a potential lame duck. But let me tell you, as a practical matter, in our most recent polls, he's polling under 40% in Democratic primaries, among Democrats. That's unprecedented for a sitting president. So a majority of Democrats would not support Joe Biden for reelection right now unless he turns his presidency around, health or not. And as to Donald Trump, he is in a somewhat better position. He's getting about 47% of Republicans against a matchup of other candidates. Not a majority, down a little bit, but way in the lead. So he certainly has even more potential right now, if you look at the numbers, of getting the nomination.

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