Coffee Shop ASL Chat: How's Your Light Shining?

1 year ago

Welcome back to the Coffee Shop ASL Chat! Instead of being in our virtual coffee shop, today I am in an actual coffee shop chatting with you!
I want to welcome all the new subscribers on Rumble and new members in our Facebook group! We are growing quickly and I'm so glad you are here. I appreciate how many of you have created your own vlogs and made posts in our group. I know it takes time to find the information and share it with others. As we grow and keep sharing, please remember that we all come from different backgrounds and perspectives so its important to respect one another. Thank you for adding to the conversations we have here in our Coffee Shop ASL Chat!

I also want to thank you for the latest coffee donations!

Today I am checking in with you, to see how your light for Christ is shining. A few months ago, I discussed how each one of us has Christ's light inside of us. Is yours shining brightly for all to see? Or is yours dimly lit and sometimes on the verge of burning out? If you are struggling to keep that light shining inside of you, I offer some helpful ideas to help you get the light of Christ back into your soul.

First, I discuss how to identify your root sin, the sin that keeps popping up and you can't seem to get away from. There are seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues. For each sin, there is a virtue that can be built up to weaken the sin that plagues you.

In this video, I focus on the sin of pride. Pride is the sin in which we put ourselves and our own love of ego and self above God and neighbor. Pride was present when Lucifer decided that he knew better than God and what was the result? God sent him out of Heaven and into Hell. The Devil had so much pride, however, that pride could not prevail over God's power.

Some examples of how pride manifests in us are that we become easily judgmental, putting others down and gossiping about them. Next we get angry if we do not get our way or am not recognized. Finally, centering everything (conversations, choices...) on yourself and your likes.

In order to defeat pride, we should identify the virtue that can help us become stronger. That virtue is humility.

Ways to grow in humility are to recognize that everything we have is from God and that he's given us these gifts. Next, to ask for forgiveness of our shortcomings. Finally, to accept the opinions and ideas of others as their own and to not let it consume me by judging, putting others down or gossiping about them.

Next, it's time to get quiet. Silence isn't empty. It isn't a sign of weakness. Silence is a time to pray, meditate on the scriptures and wait on God. Wait for him to find you in the silence. God's message is usually discovered in silence. Romans 2:4 is a great scripture to meditate on when needing to find silence and peace.

Finally, you have to get serious about rooting sin out of your life. To go all in and strive for daily holiness! We are in the midst of a battle, a battle against the Devil. At every turn, there is something that is waiting to tempt us to sin. Read and meditate on Luke 12 to edify you and give you the tools to get serious about rooting sin out of your life.

When struggling to keep your light shining, we discussed how you can identify the root sin and the virtue that will make you strong enough to remove the sin. Also, we discussed how important it is to stay quiet and to let God speak to you. Finally, its up to you to decide once and for all to get serious about rooting sin out of your life. By doing these things daily, you can rekindle the light inside of you to become a better mother, a better husband, a better friend, a better co-worker - a better you! God bless you!

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