History: Science or Fiction? Mystery Of The Egyptian Zodiacs. Film 5 of 24

1 year ago

Ancient Egypt; the world of pharaohs, pyramids and sphinxes. A world of mystery that seems like it takes modern man into an unprecedented distance of time. Tourists from all over the world are drawn to Egypt in an endless stream to touch this mystery. On the walls and vaults of Egyptian tombs and temples, which tourists love to visit, unique images created by skillful artists and astronomers of antiquity have been preserved. These are the zodiacs. All attempts by scientists to decipher the dates recorded in these zodiacs had failed. But Russian mathematicians managed to decode them. It turned out that important dates in the history of Egypt were encoded in pictures. However, official Egyptology does not want to take notice of this and stubbornly keeps silent about this discovery. Why? What can these ancient drawings tell us?

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