This Is How The West Ends - MGTOW

1 year ago

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The Emptying Planet: The Global Impact of Declining Fertility Rates, A Virtual Roundtable

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Chetan. He didn't give me a topic so I'll read his comments give everyone my take and then move on to the main topic which is the way I see the west ending. Here's what he says: "Hi Sandman, 1. I'm not dating a white girl nor am I interested as they come across super crazy. So don't hate on me for that! 2. don't belive the fertility data or any data given by govt in India as it's all bogus extrapolations. Search adani scam on google. Indian ppl generally are hypocritical & looking to scam just about anything breathing. Noone can Or is to be trusted here. Indias population will not shrink below 1 billion anytime before 2100. Like Muslims most indians too seek to take over the west as they see it's weak. Take a look at sikhs in Canada most I know r also perennial crazy over getting some fair skinned girl to smash be it a white girl or someone from my region in the hills where they are known to notoriously get female foetuses aborted. Well Chetan thanks for the donation. Well you were the one that said you were involved with white sugar babies. You didn't really say you were dating any of them. I hope you're not try to to compensate for something. As for India it's in the same population collapse as the rest of the world. It's just Japan, South Korea in the front, then Europe, then India and then Africa on the demographic collapse roller coaster ride. New Delhi doesn't even have replacement population anymore. The west and just about every country are on the verge of economic collapse as populations peak out gradually. Countries will go bankrupt from unfunded liabilities as they stop having babies. I read a transcript from the Council on Foreign Relations for this video and they say there are 3 strategies to get the birth rates up. Give women financial resources to have kids, which has failed to get any country back above replacement. Immigration which is working for now in places like Canada and Australia but will fail in the end because western countries innovation will be gone because they won't assimilate and those countries will become multi-cultural. Germany has even said that multiculturalism is a failure. Option number 3 is forcefully take women's rights away. This worked in Romania when Abortions and contraception were banned. The birth rate doubled in less than a year. As for the council they see the population peaking out in 2060s and then down. I see it happening sooner with sexbots and ai girlfriends like Joi from Bladerunner 2049 that I put in the description. Less babies mean a smaller future tax base. So infrastructure will be left to crumble. Pension schemes will fail. Less young people means less innovation and people to buy consumer durables. In essence the social safety net and economy crumbles. The health care system crumbles from too much demand. Government and corporate jobs disapear. Well at least on the plus side real estate becomes cheaper. Economic growth ends and with it fiat currency that's based on constant growth in the money supply. The question to ask is what replaces it? Bitcoin, gold, silver? Don't know. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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