Mortician Laura Jeffery on the impact of COVID versus measures of mass destruction on mortality

1 year ago

Ontario, Canada based mortician Laura Jeffery has 27 years of experience in the funeral industry and as an embalmer. During her career, she has embalmed an average of 170 people per year for a total of roughly 4600 bodies. In short, she's quite experienced and can notice anomalies when they occur.

During the 'pandemic', nothing extraordinary happened to mortality. Of the approximately 600 people a year that her funeral home took care of, only 7 were attributed to COVID. Possibly, 0 of deaths were actually caused by COVID.

The people who died had by and large been living in nursing homes and had been suffering from dementia for quite some time. These people are very vulnerable and are expected to die every flu season.

Since severe disease and mortality are coupled, there was almost certainly also no significant increase in severe disease.

Said differently, the 'killer virus' was a big nothing burger since nothing extraordinary happened to the death rate or the type of people dying. As a side note, everybody could already see this in the official public mortality statistics in the summer of 2020. It still needs to be emphasized, but it's not new information by any means.

In sharp contrast, the measures of mass destruction and fear porn did cause a lot of damage. Especially during the 9-week period of the second lockdown, there were many deaths due to drug overdoses and suicides. The first lockdown wasn't that bad, because it was experienced as a "pajama party" by many.

During the second lockdown, multiple middle aged women who tended to be well settled and have spouses and children aged between 10 and 20, died of their own hand. The average was about one of these women per week.

This cohort of people would never commit suicide during normal times, so we can conclude that these people died because of the unnecessary fear porn and unnecessary tyrannical measures of mass destruction.


Embalmer Laura Jeffery on the 'dirty blood' in the dead bodies of the vaxxed

Embalmer Laura Jeffery: Why did coroners and pathologist keep quiet about the jab killing people?

Funeral director Laura Jeffery summarizes the alarming anomalies coinciding with the vaxx roll-out

Post-vaxx unexpected deaths tended to look unkempt. Were they fatigued? - Embalmer Laura Jeffery

Senior embalmer Laura Jeffery on the calamari clots in the bodies of the dead since April of 2021

Where did the dead babies suddenly go after vaxx roll-out? - Ontario mortician Laura Jeffery

Rise in sudden, unexpected deaths of people with band-aid still on shoulder 🤔


One on One with Michelle | Laura Jeffrey Interview | Toronto Day 2 | NCI

National Citizens Inquiry Canada website


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