FIVE LIGHTS Brainwashing, Mind Control, Psychological Torture - 1984 Don't Believe Your Own Eyes

1 year ago

Global elites, Marxists, communists, socialists, terrorists, anarchists, fascists and other Leftists hate America and all of western civilization. They are doing everything in their power to destroy life as we have known it, and billions of sheep-like people are deluded into believing and supporting their nefarious efforts. Leftists want to control and kill YOU in order to depopulate the world. And they feel perfectly justified in doing so.

Leftists rejoice with glee every time they crush the skull of an unborn baby and suck its brains out. And they love to chop up the bodies of those innocent, little babies, and then sell the body parts for profit.

Leftists also enjoy forcing their evil beliefs on everyone else. They think it's their right to force YOU to take untested, dangerous, experimental "vaccine" shots as part of the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

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