3Apr23 Are Train Derailments from Hacking? Manuals & Passwords Are Posted Online

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

From MacDonald's layoffs to "Mammoth Meat" that even its creators don't want to taste 3:40
Reparations: Pork Barrel for TODAY's Government Slaves Desc: Biden adds info for reparations to the census so that no one sees the current and COMING slavery, and to create division & grievances for a 2nd Civil War 11:10

Biden ignores all pleas for help from genuine refugees — 63 Christians facing deportation to China which means prison, torture & worse. Would he turn a blind eye to LGBT refugees being sent back to a hostile government? 26:44

Strawberries & the Marburg Virus How the CDC, FDA handles a strawberry "hepatitis" threat vs how they handled "safety" with the mRNA TrumpShots. And, WHO sounds the alarm over Marburg — and bats! Same bat time, same bat channel. 33:54

Vax mandate just upheld by Massachusetts Supreme Court. But the people themselves have made it a moot point by vetoing it themselves, refusing to comply 41:53

WHO removes recommendation for 6 months to 17 years. They're still killing people. 46:58

New op-ed looks at how Trump was "deceived" into lockdown. NO, he wasn't. The people around him each have different stories to defend themselves. They're lying. 48:39

Jon Rappoport reminds us of what we KNEW about COVID hasn't changed — and we knew it all BEFORE Trump locked down. The March 2020 reports from Italy before the Trump lockdown 53:20

Vulnerable Infrastructure Wide Open to Hacking If you can program your DVR, you can program the railroad at the moment — maliciously. Government and corporations aren't interested in the problem. Are you? Is this why we're seeing so many train derailments, especially of one company?
1:08:12 Update on Palestine — CDC research team got sick, too & recent derailments
1:11:16 An example of hacking "infrastructure" — roadway portable signs
1:15:55 What the equipment does (sensors and control) YouTube channel — "That's Railroading"
1:22:20 Goattree joins — manuals online that anyone can download, passwords openly available and the potential for harm

AI, Artificial Intelligence, and the Elon Musk (and 1,000 co-signers) asking for 6 month freeze on research. Do you realize you're being played? How is AI a threat? 1:58:17

How Elon Musk is reinventing himself as an anti-establishment anti- establishment. 2:25:07

The brain chips are your transmitter, but you’ve got to have a for lack of a better term, an antenna. Devices and techniques already completed by DARPA 2:32:16

Trans days of vengeance and demonstrations: What did and did not happen over the weekend. 2:46:54

Now 21, a severely damaged woman, harmed by "gender affirming healthcare" speaks in anger of "what happened to me as a mentally ill teenager" 2:52:17

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