Candidates Night - 3/9/23

1 year ago

Chat transcript:

00:28:52 Steve: Does anyone have a full screen view?
00:29:09 George Clark: Yes
00:29:32 Steve: What am I doing wrong
00:29:32 Tina Perreault: click on view and you should be able to change it to see the town hall
00:29:45 Tina Perreault: speaker view
00:49:40 Steve: Jay rocks
01:08:17 Steve: awesome
01:13:49 Steve: so why do you want dismiss Bill?
01:16:12 Matt: So rules don’t apply when someone is on the ZBA?
01:16:50 Steve: When John ran for the planning board he was not elected
01:21:25 Steve: Phil times up
01:25:00 Steve: Phil this is normal John filibustering
01:25:39 Steve: WTF someone call point of order
01:38:54 Matt: So John brought notes regarding a court case that just happened to involve the resident that was questioning the guy running against him?
01:41:23 Steve: When Bill doesn't carry their water he is tossed under the bus
01:43:16 Matt: Because you guys tried to over step your position
01:48:09 Temple Town Resident: Good point by mr. Kiley
01:49:07 Matt: I am still waiting for him to answer the question, not just dodge it like a true politician
01:49:15 George Clark: What does this have to do with the question that was asked???
01:49:34 Matt: Exactly he isn’t answering the question he is dodging
01:51:24 Temple Town Resident: These personal attacks have gone too far
01:51:30 Steve: no it's not complicated the zoning laws of Temple are very easy to comply. Ben hired a legal team for around 100k to follow the law. John as the chairman of the ZBA milked this process for almost 2 years. He cost all of us taxes and tortured Ben. Can anyone imagine this guy being selectman again? As a multiyear elected official dealing with john he loves to hear himself talk
02:06:03 Steve: everyone can see this confrontation if you watch the select board zoom meetings, John stated that he didn't see this. Go watch everyone he was trashing the board as well as Cromwell over Ben's land
02:08:29 Steve: This is Johns problem everyone
02:12:28 Steve: john quit because he couldn't stop Ben

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