Far Cry 3 - Review / Let's Play (Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC)

12 years ago


Having a first look at Ubi's latest title in the Far Cry series, have to say it's a VAST improvement over Far Cry 2, as impressive visually as it was, it was mostly a tedious fetch quest/gofering quests.

This retains a lot of the good bits from 2, but also some of the cool stuff from Far Cry Instincts (BTW go buy Far Cry Instincts Predator on the 360, really old, so you'll get it for a few pennies, but it's great fun and comes with two Far Cry games!) But Far Cry 3 is well worth your time!!!

Just a shame it's not received any near as much press from Ubi as it deserves, possibly as it was released in the shadow of Assassins Creed III (which is also a great game).

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