Special Word on Repentance for Donald Trump- From Personal Experience

1 year ago

Special Word on Repentance for Donald Trump- From Personal Experience
Calling on President Donald Trump to Repent For His "Souls" Sake.
Passover, Easter, Resurrection Sunday: The children of Israel went through the Red Sea. God destroyed those who kept them in bondage to slavery under their false gods. They went out to the wilderness to worship only one true God. We crossed an ocean to come to our promised land to worship Almighty God and to live by the 10 Commandments of God. We Christians Established this country and dedicated our lives and fortunes, this Country and the people in it to the loving care of Almighty God. If we continuously walk in his ways laws and statutes we will live free happy long lasting happy lives. God our Father through Jesus Christ the lamb of God. We are putting his blood on the doorpost of our lives then we are filled with God himself. The Spirit of death passes us by. We are now full of life. God's spirit lives within us and we are the temple of God. Clean holy, full of love and power cleanse from evil. The people need to hear from Heaven to have divine wisdom. Freedom rest on man's relationship with their maker, Creator, unless Jesus sets you free you will never be free. In Ohio, we glorify God Almighty. That is the mighty power of the blood of Jesus that set us free from sin, from the power of sin now we live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God by the power of his Holy Spirit living within us. Giving us self-control. Free to love and worship God always offering up the blood of Jesus who died as a sacrifice for our sins and implore God's divine wisdom in all decisions we make.
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