The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

1 year ago

The Good we all was on station at 0930hrs, everyone unloaded and geared their kayaks out pretty fast, I think we was eager to go, the weather was nice in the beginning, Gene lead the mob to Erwin via convoy, and Garett shuttled us back, leaving his POV on the side if the road. While we was gone Rhonda and Patrick pulled guard duty over the gear.
Little River Gauge at Manchester 7.9ft @ 340cfs
Cape Fear River at Lillington was 2.9ft at 1750cfs
It was running similar to last time I went , so I foresaw no issues, there was alot of wind, but because of the steep banks, it just blow overhead.
The Bad, often tell paddlers, do not grab downfall, and with the water flowing at the above mentioned cfs and than add it being funneled, grabbing overhead anything pretty much will cause an instant pendulum effect causing spill over in heart beat, this was the issue as the swimmer was holding on, best course of action. swimmer to clear area quickly as possible, known as being provocative rescue, once they are clear, rescue can begin from both sides of the obstacle , if the person has not cleared the obstetrical, there is no need for next paddlers to come in as will causes another issue , incoming kayak could strike the swimmer, causing injury and also the new kayaker over turning .
We was able to get the most important things, swimmer out of the water , paddle and boat, in that order. After we got the gear to sand bar, I was able in my SOT to paddle over and begin shuttle back with swimmer on the back pf my boat, I will say this, excellent job Gene on talking and reassuring the swimmer until I could get my rescue boat in. We decided after getting everyone back in boats to head down without a lunch break to take-out. Keeping both swimmers active will generate body heat, I also carry a emergency gear with 5mm Shorty Dive suit, plastic poncho and emergency blanket/poncho, reflective . I asked Gene and Van to go ahead, so they could get to take out faster and bring a nice warm truck wet paddlers. Great job guys.

The Ugly, well the rain started and wind got heavy, my paddle hit overhang and I released the paddle, Gene was spot on and returned it to me, Patrick decreased of of my ability to carve the water, and well with no lunch break, was alittle antsy and would not listen, We got into the confluence , because of added weight of my boat, I took a different path, I got breached on a rock, swinging my boat instantly 180 degrees, trying to counter the effect, my seat hold down strap, broke, causing the boat to overturn, heading down river upside down, I instantly scanned for Patrick and he was nowhere to be found, I swam as fast as I could to the boat, thinking he may not be visible on the other side because it was blocking my view. I yelled his name and I hear a whimper, I got to boat and flipped it over, Patrick had been pinned under the boat, he refused to leave it, he had his PFD on, I quickly pulled him up by his harnesses handles on top and got him in the boat, Garett assisted me in getting my gear, which broke my action camera. Patrick was shaken. I will rethink taking him with on anything but slower moving water, and also redesign the seating system on my SOT, I am thinking a traditional sit in side seating system or use non SOT chair, and use SOT seat with thigh braces, which I had on my prior SOTs.

It was anything but boring, and if I upset anyone during this trip, I apologize, as sometimes the Army comes out of me and I bark directions. I will not mention who the swimmers where.
This is why we keep eye sight of person in front of you and the one behind you. We are involved in a recreational activity that can and will have consequences. you paddle between swims.
put in 1000hrs?
Take-out 1250hrs
i was told via gps we did 7 miles in 2.12 hours

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