Hosanna In The HIGHEST / Blessed BE The Name of The LORD

1 year ago

Aloha & A Blessed Palm Sunday!

This is the day we honor Jesus's final entry into Jerusalem as "The Son of Man", our Lord and Savior as one of us - as many 'thought' they 'knew' Him! So many celebrated Jesus on that day and yet, a few days, many of those bowed to the pressures of religious hierarchy, turned their backs on Him - and - the devil thought he had won great victory and believed he had defeated the man - Jesus - BUT HE WAS WRONG! DEAD WRONG!!

Isn't it funny how even today - so many people will celebrate Jesus and honor this day and even call it a celebration of His "triumphal entry" and yet, just as many were in Jesus's day - who 'claim' to 'know' their Savior have turned their backs on Him and are scattered in different directions - confused, angry, fearful and lost their zeal for life - that is UNTIL!

Hosanna - Blessed Be the KING of kings and LORD of lords! The EARTH IS HIS - WE STAND IN THE SHELTER OF HIS ARMS - IN HIS WORD!
(Psalm 24; Psalm 91; Luke 2:8-20; Luke 19:28-40)

We welcome any testimonies, prayer requests, comments - if you are blessed by the messages the LORD lays on our heart to share, please let us know - here on "Rumble" please hit the "rumble (glove)" ; on YouTube (subscribe & hit "like"); and on TruthSocial (re-truth; or simply "like").

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