Concentrated Grid

1 year ago

In this Emerging Global Realities video, I document the grid in a section of the downtown core of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This grid could be in any downtown core in the world.

The grid as captured by the video includes small cell sites, sensors part of lamp posts, wireless CCTV video cameras, and base stations (roof top cellular towers).

I measured extreme EMF radiation frequency, in which the meter measured maximum peak frequency signal of 6.0 V/m in most cases, and I measured power output in excess of 21,000 uW/m2.

The safe levels are below 0.50 V/m peak signal and 1,000 uW/m2 power output (BioInitiative and Building Biology).

The most vulnerable are those people who are in direct line and close proximity to the cellular such as people using the sidewalk with small cell sites, or people in the office towers with windows facing the base stations.

The goal of this city and most other is a complete transformation to a technocratic grid that will allow for example autonomous, self-driving vehicles, infrared biometric surveillance, data collections via mass deployment of sensors, and artificial intelligence in the form of machines, drones, robots, bots, programs...

The small cell sites are connected to fiber optics, which allow the frequency to be turned up extremely high.

In 2024, as mentioned previously, the 5G millimeter wave will be deployed in the public space with frequencies between 24 and 300 GHz. At minimum, I expect at least a 10x increase frequency levels.

The consequences of this technocratic transformation will be radical and dramatic, including mass disruption of the jobs market (through AI propelled job displacement), invasion of privacy via digitalization and biometric surveillance, replacement of traditional foods with plant, insect based foods and lab foods, increased short-term and long-term effects from increased EMF radiation exposure, and mobility restrictions through automated vehicles and 15 minute cities. Universal basic income (UBI) will create a mass dependency class on government handouts, which the government and its stakeholders can tighten the grid and try out various experiments including psychological and containment....

What can you do?

In my early twenties, I wrote a philosophical book on the importance of self-sufficiency and independence. Well it appears that self-sufficiency and independence in all aspects of life are becoming critical: financial, social, diet, mobility... On a geopolitical level, this self-sufficiency and independence are exactly what Russia, China, India, BRICS+, the global south majority are fighting for especially financial via de-dollarization against unipolar rules-based hegemony.

The Western fiat currencies are a stack of worthless paper that has been abused by establishment governments and the central banking cartel for decades. This stack of cards is at risk of collapsing through growing lack of confidence via massive debt, high inflation and interest rates, economic meltdown. Becoming independent of the Western fiat currencies is probably a good place to start to protect oneself and your loved ones.

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