Overcoming Fear in the Triumphal Entry

1 year ago

Message drawn from John 12:12-19 (first 30 seconds of audio is intermittent, steady after that)
Preacher: Rev. Richard Stetler
Delivered on April 2, 2023 at Peace Reformed Church, Garner, IA

Fear not! Jesus Christ is our triumphant king – the King of kings and Lord of lord!

What is your idea of the Messiah? Is He an earthly deliverer, who saves us from physical poverty, or political oppression, or a mighty warrior and conqueror of nations, as the Jews believed and do believe even now? Is He an economic or environmental Messiah? Is He a social reformer and political king who rules over the world through His Church? Or, is the Messiah the one who delivers us from our spiritual enemies: sin, the devil and death, as revealed in Scripture? We must be careful how we answer, for it is not only in the words that we profess, but also in our actions that answer these questions. Many will say Jesus is their Messiah, but what we fear in this life will tell us what kind of a Messiah we really think Jesus is. Fear is turned to tranquility only by resting in the almighty arms of our precious Messiah, Jesus Christ, who brings peace between God and sinners, having reconciled them by His blood, which He shed on the cross some 2,000 years ago. And it is only those who are at peace with God through Christ by grace alone through faith alone, who will ever have peace of mind knowing that Christ reigns over all things to the benefit and good of His Church and to His glory.

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