Serendipity Sunday (CIA predictability)

1 year ago

the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

Hilton Hotel base camps for:
Fidel Castro
Yoko Ono & John Lennon
Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 & Bart Sibel
CIA Lockheed annual party

Idyllwild–Pine Cove, California
Timoth Leary CIA LSD Guru
Ron & Phyllis Patterson
Jennifer Maxwell & Tip Ervin Roeder,_California

Greenfield Ranch:
CIA Peoples Temple
CIA Jim Jones, Charlie Maddox, Susan Atkins, Mary Brunner
Wiona Ryder aka: Winona Laura Horowitz
Angela Lansbury
Murder She Wrote
Leonard Lake, USMC serial killer
Charles Ng, USMC serial killer,meeting%20place%20for%20New%20York%E2%80%99s%20African%20American%20politicians.

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