Did Bruce Willis & Cybill Shepherd Date Each Other While Filming Moonlighting? - Tarot Card Reading

1 year ago

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Moonlighting starring Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd the 1980's hit television series has always been one of my favorite tv shows. Cybill Shepherd has said in interviews and her book that her and Bruce almost dated. In light of the recent news that the show will finally stream in the hopeful near future and the very sad news that Bruce Willis is sick battling aphasia. I thought I would do a tarot card reading to ask did Bruce and Cybill ever consider dating each other and when might this have occurred while they filmed the five seasons of Moonlighting?

Note: After considering the results of this reading, I have concluded that the only logical time period that Bruce and Cybill might have considered dating each other was very early on when filming Moonlighting. The Three of Wands that came out while doing this reading is key, because it's means to wait for your ships to come in. If the energy of waiting was a big influence on Bruce and Cybill holding off on dating then this has to mean that either they decided to wait to see if while filming the pilot the show would get picked up, or while filming the entire first season or while the first season was airing. Moonlighting was not doing that well in the ratings when the first season aired to the disliking of the ABC network, but when ABC ran the show with repeat episodes during the summer the Moonlighting exploded in popularity. After the show became a hit it seems the ship for Bruce and Cybill to date had sailed.

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