James O'Keefe Starts New Group "OMG"! SimpCast Reacts! Chrissie Mayr, Melonie Mac, Geno Bisconte

1 year ago

After the Coup at Project Veritas, James O'keefe has started a new organization called OMG and will pick up right where he left off. From Simpcast 68 with Geno Bisconti.

SimpCast stars Chrissie Mayr, Carmen Studer, Amie Whatsherface, Geno Bisconte, Erik "Erock" Nagel, Melonie Mac, That Tuggs Life!

Erik Nagel former producer of the Opie & Anthony show and current host of Would You Kindly with Bryan Johnson on Anthony Cumia's Compound Media Network makes his SimpCast debut!

Geno Bisconte, host of In Hot Water on Compound Media also debuts!

#simpcast #jamesokeefe #meloniemac

Clipped by Gross John.


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