The Silencing of Turbo World

1 year ago

This is out of control, @LAWYERSLINE @TexasAttorneyGeneral @GovGregAbbott @KenPaxtonTX
You tell me, is this legal or have they over reached thier legal boundaries? I live In Houston Texas, and hr20 is still a law , yes? Thanks for any help you can offer or directions you can point us to cordinate a class action suit against the offenders of these non social platforms, selectively to us and others. here we can see i wrote a comment, got a notification of the reply from nivlac57, and both were erased by yt within a minute. This happens to us all the time now, and we have about 15 videos of it to prove on this channel.
Not only is this stunting our growth as designed, it's costing us money and time in wasted efforts to support and grow a platform, and network within the platform designed to do just that- but not for us- YouTube has no interest in returning the favor as it does almost everyone else. Youtube has no interest in others seeing our replies. We see that as plain predjudice and we just don' think what they are doing is Legal to current local and federal laws of copyright, of freedom of social speech on supposed "SOCIAL internet platforms" that will not allow us to comment, see replies and the nature of the response to, or even further comment to say anything without any rhyme or reason. Not only that, you tube has been breaking you tubes own protocols for quite some time now, and we would like to seek justice at the source, google. Google is the one hiding us as it knows what to hide from what, by which google account I sign into. I have 4 google accounts, and 3 you tube channels. I have made a comment to my mother on my own you tube channel, recorded it in a video here, and watched my comment get deleted. The thing is, I was signed into my other channel google account. And they deleted it off my own channel, to my MOTHER!
This is an educational channel monetized and never cashed a penny of, all for my 7 year old daughters education fund. And this is only the beginning of what we have recorded them doing (over220GB) to us, to block us from being seen.
When we see the same hypocrite platform supporting others. We know That is selective. And we aim to fix this so my daughter, who wants to be a creator, doesn't have to go through these problems and waste time trying to upload videos with crashing machinery from dmca pulling plugs when they shouldn't be because we understand what fair use law is. We shouldn't have to watch UMG flip a 30 day dispute counter and make it count up instead of down for 220 days so they can steal earnings from my childs education fund. I shouldn't have to remove my video and re upload it to get around UMG breaking you tubes protocols of appeal and counter notification which severely broke federal copyright law and DMCA rules btw. You tube just hands them the keys, and then taunts us on twitter saying they kick out any abusive corpoprations and yet I have proof they do not. But I guess UMG owns google?
Either way I shouldnt have to constantly fight first time appeals 8-10 times for fair use, I shouldn't have to go through 500 appeals because a machine thinks I'm abuseing a process and I sure shouldn't have videos flagged for false medical information and blocked -footage from the actual local news station that could have help saved lives. I run on average 15-20 counter notifications on yt a week. I have won all but 4. I have had more than 10 strikes on the channel and had every one removed. I have watched this platform stall our creations so the super bowl could play ac/dc for a NFL intro on prime time TV, while my creation from a week before, got blocked for voilating community standards -a fabricated reason to fit the narrative.
I have tagged you guys, called you both, emailed you both, more than you know, but I know you have seen me. Mr Gregg Abbott, do you want to talk about it or be about fighting this ? This is the biggest case you have ever seen, and you have ignored us for long enough. Now I see your team has sent letters to my house for us to attend your "Oath of office ceremony", where's your honorable duty of service to help us with freedom of speech like the video shows you saying with your own lips? Ken Paxton I have tagged you more times , and not even heard a hello form either of you. I would apolagize of there is another explanation for Gregg And Ken ignoring us. I Sure would.

Until then, I will scream, until they take our lips.
We would like to express our social media freedom of speech, Would you Greeg Abbott And Ken Paxton like to assist us in the matter? Your office has said no, in the past through multiple phone calls. I'm asking you each now, not your team, not your people. You each personally have been asked this question. Please respond asap. Thanks for your time.

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