No graphic sex scene has ever contributed to a movie's storyline #sexuality #sex #movie #movies

1 year ago

CMV: No graphic sex scene has ever contributed to a movie's storyline
The mirror and prostitutes scene in American Psycho offers a “show don’t tell” characterization of the main character that you cannot get from any other way. His sexual predilections beget his narcissism. To go to the lengths he goes to in order to achieve orgasm go to the very heart of his character.
Would Team America count?I would argue that when it comes to comedy films that the comedy actually adds to the storyline and that is one of the funniest scenes in the film
Is this argument specific to sex, or could films in general be insinuated to save time?
The Last Duel has a long graphic and uncomfortable sex scene which is the entire point of the movie. Not sure how you could remove it or make it just 3 seconds.
Oldboy (2003 do not watch 2013 it's complete garbage. The only good thing is naked Elizabeth Olsen) the graphic sex scenes are very important to the plot and the movie wouldn't work without them.
You could watch "Irréversible" - a movie about a horrible sex scene that plays backwards. The movie is using the terribly graphic nature of the sexual assault to set up almost the entire rest of the story. It wouldn't be the same movie without the scene - as terrifying as it is.
No graphic sex scene has ever contributed to a movie’s storylineHave you seen Gone Girl? The sex scene in that movie actually does contribute to the storyline.
How do you feel about any other non-dialogue scenes in movies? Fight scenes? Chase scenes? Morning montages? Long shots of objects/evironments?Couldn't we just cut the fight scene and show the bad guys on the ground? Or cut the chase to heroes saying "whew, it was close"?
Graphic sex scenes are unnecessary.The Accused has a graphic "sex" scene that is the instigating incident for the whole movie.
Fifty shades of grey.. boom roasted. Movie was cringe/10 but without those scenes it would have been *You: season 1* at best
When a movie's storyline is about having sex with the plumber, a graphic sex scene is the plot payoff we deserve.

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