Article V...Can we Use it For Something Other Than Convention of States???

1 year ago

Jan 23, 2023While hemp-based CBD is legal at a federal level, some states consider using or possessing any cannabis product illegal—period.It’s illegal to sell CBD products that are not FDA-approved, according to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. “The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [states] that once a substance is used as the active ingredient of a new drug that has been approved or authorized for clinical trials, food and beverages containing this ingredient cannot be introduced into interstate commerce. This is called the drug exclusion rule,” says Slade. She explains that this means the FDA’s approval of Epidiolex eliminated the possibility of producing and selling any food or beverage with CBD. This detail makes the situation even more complicated because CBD is commonly used in foods and drinks like lattes and juices. “[This is why] the federal legal status of CBD depends on the type of product it is and its source,”!/Full-Spectrum-CBD-Tinctures/c/33081001
  Another reminder than growing HEMP, which is not hard to do cause it is a weed, can & will CLEAN UP ‘dioxin’.

Kerry Cassidy’s post on dioxin & Ohio spillage.

Gold will end the Fed. Hemp & Cannabis would END the rest of the DS matrix.

How Cannabis Cleans up Nuclear Radiation and Toxic Soil

Hemp was used to clean up Chernobyl

Use HEMP CBD to remove toxins from your body!


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