Question Affirmation Rant #12 | Presence

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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What is true presence?
What does it mean to live in a state of presence?
What gift does presence hold?
What space can I be to allow myself to step into a life lived in a state of presence?
Does the joy, peace, and freedom I am seeking live in the present moment?
If so, how might I naturally and easily embrace the present moment more and more every day?
What have I never imagined that is truly remarkable that exists only in this present moment?
What will it take to experience the present moment fully open, fully receptive, without story attached?
What beauty lay in the present moment and my ability to be present that I haven’t been aware of yet?
How might my awareness expand effortlessly to include a more holistic experience of the present moment?
What invitation can I be that will unlock my ability to live in full-on presence with this moment?
How does my embracing “what is” without judgment or story drop me deeper into a state of awakened presence?
What is awakened presence?
What gift lies in my awakening to full-on presence with this right now present moment?
What have I been running from, and how might I embrace it instead?
What type of relationship with presence is asking to be embodied by me?
What deepening of the present moment is ready to be received by me?
What is it that I am meant to lay down and let go of that would open a natural flow of presence right away?
What is it that I can embrace and receive that would open a natural flow of presence right away?
What is it that is calling me to be more fully with?
What is my life telling me that I can receive as I step into being more present with it?
What is this moment inviting me to receive more fully?
What space surrounds this moment?
What action wants to be taken from the spacious right now moment?
What is desiring to be created through me from the space of presence?
Who is and can be blessed by me by living in a space of presence?
What is possible for me as I live and move in alignment with expanded presence?
What quality and texture of presence am I ready for and can step into right away?
What magic does my presence unveil and reveal?
What will it take for me to experience the pure magical gift of presence in my life right away?

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