Dr. Anthony Fauci 真正的遺產 / The real legacy of Dr. Anthony Fauci

1 year ago

如果你看看這 50 年任期內的公共衛生,當他上任時,大約 6% 的美國人患有慢性病。 所謂慢性病,我指的不僅是肥胖,還有神經系統疾病、過敏性疾病和自身免疫性疾病。 福奇於 1968 年上任。到 1986 年,11.8% 的美國兒童患有慢性病。

到 2006 年,這個數字上升到 64%。 那是他的履歷。 他聲稱自己正在保護美國人免受傳染病的侵害,但他很少談論慢性病的影響,慢性病比傳染病更具破壞性。

在那段時間安排的疫苗從我小時候接種的三種疫苗,我完全遵守規定,到今天從 16 種疫苗中強制接種的 72 劑。 問題是,這如何讓美國人更健康?

If you look at public health during that 50-year term, when he came into office about 6 percent of Americans had chronic disease. By chronic disease, I mean not only obesity, but neurological disease, allergic disease, and autoimmune disease. Fauci came on in 1968. By 1986, 11.8 percent of American children had chronic disease.

By 2006, that number had risen to 64 percent. That’s his track record. What he claims is that he’s protecting Americans from infectious disease, but he rarely talks about the impact of chronic disease, which is much more devastating than infectious disease.

The vaccines scheduled during that period went from the three vaccines that I took when I was a kid, and I was fully compliant, to 72 doses that are mandated today from 16 vaccines. The question is, how has that made Americans healthier?

觀看原始訪談 / Watch the original interview on: www.theepochtimes.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-part-1-the-dark-secrets-of-the-childhood-immunization-schedule-and-the-vaccine-approval-process_5114709.html

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