You Are Needed In A STEM Career - Official Trailer

1 year ago

Although there is indication of STEM worker surplus in some areas, many studies have shown evidence that there exists a shortage of workers in STEM fields. In fact, there is significant heterogeneity in the STEM labor market in the U.S. between the academic, public, and private sectors. The situation is distinct from one college to another, from one geographic area to another, and from one industry to another.

Addressing STEM worker storage or surplus requires implementation of policies and strategies that target specific problems found in different sectors and industries. This necessitates better data and monitoring of both employer needs and workers availability to offer an accurate portray of the supply and demand of the STEM labor force.

To be part of the solution and eliminate shortage of workers, AIIR has initiated studies and begun an endeavor in more than a hundred universities and high schools throughout the 50 U.S. states to attract students to STEM.

Learn more about what we are doing to advance STEM careers in the U.S.:

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For reference on the issue of STEM crisis and surplus, see:

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