Ghost Appears in Hobby Machine Shop after Employees Death

1 year ago

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Today’s tale comes from Quora User Marcia Mason, a former Mechanical Engineer who ran a small hobby machine shop, the location of which was not disclosed.
For a time Marcia had an employee called Terry, who, though a former veteran with a disability was a good machinist who worked the machines until he suddenly died one day of an apparent heart attack.
In life Terry had resided on sight in a small efficiency apartment above the shop and Marcia was left with the task of settling his estate before reorganizing the shop for the next possible employee.
It was during this time, as Marcia was taking inventory, that they discovered a special tool was missing and after searching in vain for some time Marcia shouted in frustration, “Where is it???”
Marcia was not expecting a reply. But shockingly a disembodied voice simply replied, “Second drawer on the left.”
Marcia opened the drawer, and there inside, was the missing tool.
Not long after this creaking noises could be heard on the stairway leading upstairs. Marcia described the creaking as being not dissimilar to the sound of someone with a severe limp walking up or down the stairs.
#ghosts #hauntings #paranormal

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