#109 Daryl D James: Former Navy Secret Space Program Survivor, Time Travel, Reptilians, Drones, Portals, Looking Glass

1 year ago


My Name is Daryl D. James. I enlisted in the U.S. Navy on January 24, 1999. I served 7 years, including one year in Iraq with the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 7 (NM SeaBee 7). In 2003, while stationed at the Royal Air Force Base at St. Maugen, in Cornwall, UK, I passed through what I thought was a metal detector. It was a piece of technology that measured every biometric signature I had, including my I.Q., which was measured as 195. I was soon recruited to join the Secret Space Program and guaranteed a position as a Pilot in Solar Warden, the star fleet that monitors our solar system. After a miscommunication with a nine-and-a-half foot tall Reptilian, I was sent to the mines on the Moon.

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