Tau Team - Dr. Marcos Cramer 💎 #shorts #TauTeam

1 year ago

Dr. Marcos Cramer - Academic Advisor

In his research, Dr. Cramer applies logic-based methods from knowledge representation and reasoning to model actual human reasoning. The focus of his research is on combining methods from formal argumentation theory, natural language semantics, epistemic logic, and philosophical logic to formally model the mathematical, philosophical and logical reasoning of humans. Apart from Dr. Cramer’s research in knowledge representation and reasoning, he is also interested in the usage and linguistic study of gender-neutral language. Together with other people interested in the topic, he has developed a system for gender-neutral German. Furthermore, he actively uses Esperanto and does some work on the linguistic study of Esperanto.

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#logicbasedresearch #humanreasoning #knowledgerepresentation #genderneutrallanguage #formalargumentationtheory #naturallanguagesemantics #epistemiclogic #philosophy #Esperanto #linguisticstudy

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