Live Chat IndusTokens - Review 2023.3.28,29

1 year ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- Review 2023.3.28,29
- Back to the future

recorded on 3.30

opening:Rolling In The Deep

closing:London Boy

Open the Bible
- Gog and Magog
- On the Map / Turkmenistan


Zodiac and More
- Lunar 2.7,8 Julian 3.15,16
- Ukraine War D398,9
- 87-8th day 278-77 days left

Today (3.28,29) In History (
( (

Back To The Future
1 John John
- #201 Gatlinburg, TN


2.The Professor
- Smurf
- 3.28Colorado Springs
- 3.30 Enumclaw WA
- 3.31 Medford OR

3.RM Palmer Chocolate Factory Explosion / Reading PA

4.Earthquakes in the deep:
- India/China Border 2023.3.28 / Leh Laddakh/ Puga Valley

( ( (

- Peru/Ecuador 2023.3.20 / Zarumilla / Tumbes/ Passion Fruit Flower
( ( (

- San Francisco Bay Area 2023.3.28 3.5


News Unlocks Map
1. US: Obama Down under w Umbrella

2. New Zealand: "Southern light ("

3. Kenya: "Cheap Meat ("

4. Russia: Anthrax /not confirmed


Health tips
- Frequency of Fabrics


Reminder: Lobstr Basics Check
1. Save account info
2. Start with Magnificent7
- 1st Max Out SGB , then ERRES
3. Silver Mines / Copper Mines
( Whip big list

5. A list for beginners (
- short list - Gold (
- short list - Silver


Token Basics
- SBI project??

Tokens and Current Events
1.Walmart (WMT)
- 2017 Buying land in Bentonville AK(
- Natural Water Supplies
- Arvest Bank
- Closures across US 2023 / Bethlehem PA
2. Starbucks (SBUX) - Union

3. LuluLemon (LULU) midday move 2023.3.29


Short Meditation: Breathing for Balance

Enjoy the Journey!

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