One layer deeper into covert handling and convincing fire creation distraction templates

1 year ago

This video is about excavating hidden aspects in my extended circle.
Entrapment, programming and derailment keep on being present in our inner circles. We may notice the red flags while not giving full credit to what we perceive. We have been trained through the MK Ultra programs to dismiss all the small signals we are picking up about others around us. The more you attain a high level of understanding about how it works in this reality, the more the fire creation beings wasting their lives immersed in the simulation are a distraction, especially if they choose to stay in denial about their MK Ultra programming or their use in covert projects.

This video is also a reminder about asking to see exaclty what we are dealing with at all times. Once we have experienced it with our clair abilities, the choice gets clearer and clearer about parting ways from reals choosing to live or reside in their lowest alters.

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