Rosalind Peterson speaking at a UN organized meeting about Climate Change

1 year ago

Debunking the Debunkers
The video has been DEBUNKED by Mike West et al. They claim she was not speaking at a meeting of the UN but rather speaking at a meeting ORGANIZED by the UN. The UN has posted the video on YouTube (as confirmed by the subject line at the bottom of the screen). Was that not produced by and because of the UN? A horse of a different colour is still a horse.
However they never dispute the facts where she states that there is proof of increased Aluminum, Barium, Sulphur, Strontium, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese and Trimethylaluminum that will reduce crop production and the efficiency of solar panels.
'University of Illinois has determined that reducing sunlight will reduce photosynthesis and thus reduce crop production.'
(Could that be part of a depopulation agenda?)
NASA claims 'Contrails exacerbate Global Warming because they trap warmth in the atmosphere when they produce Cirrus and man made clouds.'
(In order to advance the entire concept of Global Warming?)
NASA claims that Global Warming could be attributed to 'persistent contrails'. (The word Chemtrails was first coined in 1990 and was not widely used in 2007)
Meriam Webster: a long-lasting airplane contrail believed to be composed of harmful chemical or biological agents. Perhaps she did not want to start a war immediately by using a term that was by then associated with the Conspiracy Theories?)
These chemicals impact our drinking water and the chemicals are also found in the produce from the plants. Many of these chemicals spiked in water tests at the same time and coincide with the spraying of these chemicals into the ionosphere. These tests were performed in California and Arizona.
)Aluminum has been associated with poor plant function as well as Alzheimer's disease.)
Contrails contribute to the depletion of Ozone.
EPA in the 70's was mandated to reduce pollution at its source.
(The chemicals sprayed into the air are nothing more than pollution. I suspect that the very minimal increase in Global Temperatures could be caused by none other than the chemicals being sprayed into the air under the guise of Geo Engineering as it is minimal ->recently reported to be less than 1°F as per several Climatologists.)
We are beginning to see the impact on crop production and our plants.
We are seeing higher UV radiation that is burning the tips of our trees and plants.
from NASA
Dr Tom Harris International Climate Science Coalition Canada
Truth Media Produced this film in the early 2000's
CFR admits that Chemtrails are in fact happening of course they have it backwards. The chemicals do not block the sun (as in shading the earth, they do however block the exit of heat from the earth similar to water vapor and CO2 in any concentration, Higher concentrations do not cause an increased effect above about 400ppb ->Dr. Tom Harris (link above).

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