Alina Habba exonerates Donald Trump of all charges! - April 1, 2023

1 year ago

Trump attorney #AlinaHabba in a fantastic interview about the New York indictment. — Editor's note: If the judge in Manhattan doesn't immediately dismiss all charges against the 45th President, Donald J. Trump, it will set a new precedent in American law and it will mean that anyone can be indicted for any nonsensical reason at all if a vengeful politico just wants to punish someone and see them suffer before a judge even hears their case. Most people in #Trump's shoes would have been bankrupted by now after 7 years of legal fees, wrongful charges and frivolous lawsuits. #DonaldTrump went through all this bull$hit for 7 years for us, and still he's running for a 3rd term after being besieged with all the BIG LIES and the 24/7 State Media propaganda:

Russian Hoax
Ukraine Hoax
Impeachment #1
Impeachment #2
A rigged election
The J-6 Hoax
The FBI raid
The DOJ indictment

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